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Block custom elements, like in NoAds

I still use NoAds cause it have such feature. Can you add smth similar?

Wimsey , 27.03.2011, 23:41
Response from the site administrator
leomajko, 20.04.2011
This feature is not actually my top priority but will be added in the next few weeks/months.
Idea status: scheduled


ChaZcaTriX, 12.04.2011, 03:55
This is totally a must-have, since it allows to block whole layout elements instead of just ads (like DeviantArt's ad column - giving an extra column for page content)
Umunas, 20.04.2011, 03:22
adblock without possibility to block custom elements is useless...
Roman, 21.04.2011, 03:51
!!!!!adblock without possibility to block custom elements is useless...!!!!!

PERFECTLY RIGHT - nothing good last for long
Drudl, 29.04.2011, 06:01
[quote]adblock without possibility to block custom elements is useless...[/quote]
Still using NoAds because of this thing.
eoLithic, 29.04.2011, 08:08
"Block custom elements, like in NoAds"
You're goddamn right! I need such a thing. If you can make adblock to not download elements that I blocked, not just hide, that would be great.
wlink, 04.05.2011, 03:51
Without this the extension is just block list auto-updater.
James Edward Lewis II, 24.06.2011, 06:04
"just" an auto-updater? auto-updating is the best part by far!
Cepreu, 18.05.2011, 06:19
Not useless, but hider is necessary thing
balls of steel, 29.12.2011, 10:32
It is a good idea to replicate functionality of Firefox' ABP, including Element Hiding, built-in tool to select elements to hide and support of such entries in updated lists. Without that, the functionality is not complete.

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